Before you begin:
- Ensure your organization and proposal meet the general eligibility criteria and that the proposal is in line with the focus of the Foundation. These may be reviewed on the Foundation web site.
- Complete a Project Budget
- Provide 2 Cost Estimates of the project including names of the suppliers
- You must submit a current record of financial status and/or bank records
- Ideally have access to a valid e‐mail address.
- Have access to, and submit a valid telephone number.
- Complete all sections on the Application for Funding a Community Based Project. Incomplete applications will not be processed.
Once you have satisfied the foregoing, submit the proposal on‐line or in hard copy to the Digicel Office at Kennedy Road, Digicel Office at Kennedy Road, Gordons, P.O. Box 1618, Port Moresby. The letter should contain two (2) self addressed envelopes with stamps.
Submissions in hard copy and all supporting documents should have signatures of two officers of the applying organisation. Along with;
- Project Budget
- Two (2) Professional Cost Estimates of Project
- Quotations for equipment & furniture (if applicable)
- Photographs of the project site.
- Legal Document showing ownership of Land (if applicable)
- Legal Document showing ownership of Land (if applicable)
- A letter granting permission for the approved Drawings (if applicable).
Should you require further clarifications please do not hesitate to contact the foundation on 7222 2601 or email:
To find out more about Digicel PNG Foundation please click on this link: Digicel PNG Foundation