To gain access to these exclusive plans, you must purchase a subscription first by dialing *675# or *777#, followed by selecting REDclub from the listed options.
- Normal 30Day subscription costs K20
- As of 17th March 2022, a 7Day subscription is available for only K10.
To subscribe, use the following steps via *675# (1TOK menu) or *777# (data menu) as a guide.
1.USSD *675# - 1TOK Menu
2. USSD *777# - Data Menu
Sample SMS confirmation:
Your subscription was successful. Dial *675# or *777# and select the REDclub option to access your exclusive REDclub plans. Your subscription is valid for 30days.
To find out more, please chat with us by clicking here or send us an email or go to our Digicel PNG official Facebook page by clicking here: DigicelPNG Facebook. Our operating hours are from 8am to 9pm every day.