Digicel's Loyalty Program rewards you for being loyal where, the longer you stay active on the network, the more rewards earned. A Loyalty Point will be given to you if you make a top up of K3 or more.
The more you top up, the more points given,
Top up (K) Top up Range Loyalty Points
3 3-<5 1
5 5-<10 2
10 10-<20 5
20 20-<50 15
50 50-<100 40
100 100-<200 100
200(+) 200(+) 250
To find out more, please chat with us by clicking here or send us an email CustomerCarePNG@digicelpacific.com or go to our Digicel PNG official Facebook page by clicking here: DigicelPNG Facebook. Our operating hours are from 8am to 9pm every day.