Before you seek assistance, ensure that you check out and take note of all the following details for your flex card:
- When reporting scratched voucher numbers, ensure that they all add up to 13 digits in length. To indicate a missing voucher number, simply put an "X" on your record, e.g.: 1238XX236XXX8.
- It is imperative that the 12 digits making up the serial numbers (bar code numbers) be visible and clear at sight without any of it been scratched off. In the event that a serial number is scratched off or missing, the flex card will be deemed as an invalid voucher on the system.
- Your particulars for this query should be as follows:
- Name:
- Location:
- Number to top up:
- Flex card serial number (12 digits in length):
- Flex card voucher number (13 digits in length):
- Date/time flex card was purchased:
- Error message (if there's any):
After taking note of the above details, you may call 123 and follow the voice prompts to the Top Up Help menu where you will have two different type of Help Functions. The first one will be to assist you with doing top up to your own number for a scratched flex card and the second option is to assist you with doing top up to another person's phone number.
Step 1. You will be asked to enter the 12 digits serial number for the flex. If a serial number is missing, then the system will not be able to verify your flex card as it requires the full range of serial numbers, thus, this will be recorded as “insufficient voucher details provided by customer”
Step 2. After the system verifies your serial number, the next voice prompts will then ask you to enter at least 4(four) numbers in sequence which you have uncovered after scratching off the silver panel on the flex card. If there are no four numbers in sequence, the system will not be able to verify your flex card according to its criteria, thus, this will be recorded as “insufficient voucher details provided by customer”
Step 3. After successfully getting through the steps one and two above, you will be informed via SMS on as to when the voucher numbers will be validated and sent to your number, or the number concerned for top-up.
Take note of the following:
- If we are experiencing technical issues with the Top Up Help Menu, the voice prompts will advise you accordingly;
- If you enter incorrect serial/voucher numbers for more than 3x, the system will reject your details and hang up on you;
- If the flex card you bought is marked as inactive/de-active, used or stolen on the system, you will be notified accordingly by the voice prompts.
To prevent damages to your flex card, take heed of the following tips:
- Ensure to cover your flex card with a plastic bag to prevent contact with water during rainy seasons
- Never use a gas lighter to burn off the silver panel as you can accidentally burn off all the voucher and serial numbers for your flex card
- Always use a coin to scratch off the silver panel of the flex card
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